Who Handles Your Problems?

Have you learned that the Lord has the answers to all of your problems?

June 3, 2018

"...As the LORD liveth, that hath redeemed my soul out of all distress...."

1 Kings 1:29

Our verse for today is a quote by King David at the end of his life.  It was time to prepare the next king for Israel.  David and Hagith’s son, Adonijah, had set himself up as the king in the place of his father, behind his father’s back.  The problem is that Solomon, Adonijah’s half brother was the one whom David, and the LORD, had chosen to be the next king.  Bathsheba, Solomon’s mother learned of the plot and informed Solomon and her husband David.  Talk about intrigue!  As the plot moves forward David calls for Bathsheba to come to him and he promises her that Solomon will be the next king.  Then David took the steps necessary to see that this happened (read about it in 1 Kings 1:11-53).

If anyone understood how difficult family relationships can be it was David.  While it is true that many of David’s family issues were of his own making because of his own mistakes and sinful choices in the past, he had a difficult time dealing with his children’s sins.  It seems most of his boys were out of control.  One of his boys couldn’t control his lustful desires, and another one found controlling his angry revenge impossible.  Another of his sons tried to steal the kingdom out from under his father by stealing the hearts of the men of Israel.  And then there was Adonijah who just decided that he wanted to be the king of Israel and he was going to be the king regardless of his father’s wishes.  David’s family was a royal mess!

But in spite of it all, looking at David’s life, here is his testimony, “As the LORD liveth, that hath redeemed my soul out of all distress….”  David consistently acknowledged his need for his LORD.  Even when he was going after murderers, his testimony was, “As the LORD liveth, who hath redeemed my soul out of all adversity…, (2 Samuel 4:9b).  So whether in the conflicts of his home, or in the world of wicked people, David knew that it was his God who handled all of his distress and adversity.

If you do not know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior you are missing out on the best personal relationship that you could possibly have in this life.  As my Savior He has forgiven my sin, and He cares for my needs daily.  Whether it is my distress and adversity or my physical, or spiritual needs, He is there for me.  His provision in these areas is not because I deserve His help, but because of His mercy and grace in my life.  Let me encourage you to turn to Jesus Christ, give up your sin, and ask Him to be your Savior.

Believers, don’t neglect your relationship with the LORD!  If you do so, He will miss your fellowship, and you His.

Just a word to believing parents.  David made many mistakes in his parenting.  Every parent does.  Please trust the Lord to help you be the parent He wants you to be.  And please understand that even if you could do everything perfectly as a parent, it does not guarantee that your child will turn out right.  God calls us to teach our children truth, to exemplify the truth to our child; but it is the child that must pick up the truth and embrace it for himself.  Don’t forget your child has a will just as you do, and it’s the Holy Spirit and the Word of God that God will use to reach your child’s heart.  Depend upon the Lord in your parenting!

At the end of David’s life, he could still praise his LORD for the way that He cared for him through each distress.