"For the ways of man are before the eyes of the LORD, and He pondereth all his goings."
Proverbs 5:21
The fifth chapter of Proverbs is written as a warning against the sin of adultery. The first six verses introduce us to the “strange woman.” She does not know the God of David and Solomon and has no problem being on the prowl for men, not her husband. Verses 7-14 show us the “consequences of adultery” and “should motivate a person to avoid it” [1] (BKC). But in verses 21-23, there are even higher motives for not committing adultery.
“(1) Since God sees man’s ways (cf. 15:3; Job 31:1, 4; Hebrews 4:13), adultery committed in secret is known by the Lord.
(2) Also, God examines man’s conduct (on ways and paths … Proverbs 4:26). Man cannot escape God’s scrutinizing.
(3) Sin ensnares (cf. 1:17–18) and ties a person down like ropes (5:22). Though people like to talk about being “free” to sin as they wish, sin actually takes away freedom.
(4) Being undisciplined (cf. v. 12) in one’s moral life results in death (cf. vv. 5, 11). Such living is foolish because it leads one astray from God’s standards” [2] (BKC).
Let’s Park for a moment on verse 21.
“For the ways of man are before the eyes of the LORD.”
Incredibly, people think they can sin with impunity and never be brought to account for it. These words show us the folly of their thinking! Elihu stated in Job –
“For His eyes are upon the ways of man, and He seeth all his goings” (Job 34:21).
“This is an important reminder for any man dealing with the temptation of an immoral woman. It is human nature to think that such a sin may be excused if it is never made public. We often think sin can be excused if it is undiscovered, and many have been exceptionally tempted by what they think is a “risk-free” opportunity. Solomon rightly reminds us that God sees all our ways, and before Him, no sin is hidden” [3] (EWC).
This is why Solomon said –
“all his [men’s] paths He examines” [4] (FSB).
“And He pondereth all his goings.”
It’s not just the sin of adultery that God pays attention to. He is “pondering” [5] every place we go and everything we do.
“Here, as everywhere, wisdom consists in recognizing that human life is ever under the observation, and within the government, of Jehovah” [6] (Morgan – EWC).
If we will be wise and avoid sin, we will –
“Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established” (Proverbs 4:26).
Quote: Life is too short to bind ourselves up with the cords of our sin. Adultery is a binding sin. God reminds us that He is watching our marriages and our ways. Be faithful to your spouse, as God is faithful to us.
[1] BKC, Sid S. Buzzell, “Proverbs,” in The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures, ed. J. F. Walvoord and R. B. Zuck, vol. 1 (Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1985), 915.
[2] These are from the Bible Knowledge Commentary. Ibid.
[3] EWC – David Guzik. Enduring Word Commentary, the electronic version in eSword.
[4] FSB, John D. Barry, Douglas Mangum, Derek R. Brown, et al., Faithlife Study Bible (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2012, 2016), Pr 5:21.
[5] God ponders. He is “weighing, making level, balancing” everything we do. See BDB for “pondering.” Interestingly, the “strange woman” does not ponder, think about, or consider the ramifications of her actions, but God does.
[6] EWC, ibid.