The “Perfect Way” with a “Perfect Heart” (Part 1 of 5)

What you are at home is what you are.

February 16, 2021

"I will sing of mercy and judgment: unto thee, O LORD, will I sing.  I will behave myself wisely in a perfect way.  O when wilt thou come unto me?  I will walk within my house with a perfect heart."

Psalm 101:1-2

Part 1

Today:  A Psalm for the King

Psalm 101 has been called the “Prince’s Psalm,” and Martin Luther described it as “David’s Mirror as a Monarch,” as it is so inscribed in his Bible version.[1]  In his words here, David is determined that he will live life as a righteous man.  He sets high standards for himself and then for those around him.  David takes both negative and positive actions to keep his life, home, and kingdom what it needs to be.  He is careful about his testimony.  He is genuinely concerned for those who will be chosen to be around him, the ones who will be “speaking truth” into his life as they advise him.

Note how David is not afraid to use the negative words, “I will not,” and their opposites, the words, “I will.”  He was decisive and meant each word he said.

He will not allow his eyes to see evil (v. 3).  Guard his eyes.

He will not be like those men who “turn aside” from God’s path (v. 3).  Guard his ways and relationships.

He will not have a crooked heart nor hang around with wicked people (v. 4).  Guard his heart and friendships.

He will not use slander, nor will he tolerate the arrogant to be with him (v. 5).  Guard his tongue and his ears – take care of who he listens to.

He will not allow deceivers and liars near his home (v. 7).  Guard his home against those who hate the truth.

He will not let the works of the wicked remain in the land, nor evil people in the LORD’s city (v. 8).  Guard the land and people against evildoers and their deeds.

His positive actions include:

He will keep singing to the LORD of mercy and judgment (v. 1).  He will maintain a right heart before the LORD.

He will guard his behavior, especially at home (v. 2).  He will model the believer’s godly life before his family.

He will make friends of the faithful of the land, those with right hearts will serve him (v. 6)  He will select a “right” royal court before him to serve him in the land.


David has prepared his heart to be the king of God’s people.  He also does mention his house, as in household or family in verse two.  This is where our interest lies in this series of devotions.  In this psalm, all the actions and the character qualities needed to maintain these actions will indeed make for a good king.  And these same virtues will also make a great dad!  Although these verses can and should apply to each one in the home, dads should prayerfully take these things to heart.  Let’s see what we can learn from these first two verses of David’s psalm.

Parents, we are wise to use music to teach our children.  Come back tomorrow, and we will see that David used music himself.


Quote:  Psalm 101.  “It is David all over, straight forward, resolute, devout; there is no trace of policy or vacillation, the Lord has appointed him to be king, and he knows it, therefore he purposes in all things to behave as becomes a monarch who the Lord himself has chosen”[2] (Spurgeon).




[1] Psalm 101 was written by David, most likely at the beginning of his reign as the king of Israel.  It has been called “David’s mirror of a monarch.”  Keil & Delitzsch, Keil & Delitzsch Commentary on the Old Testament, the electronic version in eSword.
[2] Spurgeon’s quote Downloaded: Saturday, February 13, 2021.  From: