The Great Creator

This world belongs to God, He owns it because He made it!  Let's take care of His creation.

July 13, 2018

In his hand are the deep places of the earth: the strength of the hills is his also.  The sea is his, and he made it: and his hands formed the dry land."

Psalm 95:4-5

These verses are one of the many passages that credit the origin of the world to God who is our Creator (v. 6).

“In his hand”
All of His creation fits in the palm of His hand.  We are comforted by the fact that it is under in His control!  There is never a tornado or typhoon that He is not aware.  The earth–quakes at His command.  The flood and the rainbow are His as well.  The psalmist wanted Israel to know that the same hand that made it all is the same hand that guards and cares for her.  By implication, this truth is for us today also.

“Are the deep places of the earth:”
The LORD is God of the caves and caverns, all the places that go down into the interior, the heart of the earth.  God made all the mineral wealth that is underground; He placed it there.  This should give gratitude to the miners who work in the dark and deep places in the crust of the earth.  The vast aquifers that supply water to the thirsty lands above are of God’s doing.  The fiery lava of all the past, present, and future volcanoes has been lit by Him and stored deep away until He wants a new mountain or island.

“The strength of the hills is his also.”
The earth is His; He made it.  No one has the right to any of God’s earth unless He has given it to them.  This planet, as do all the others, belongs to Him.  It is not just the depths, but also the heights are His possession.  The tallest mountain peaks are His.

“The sea is his,”
The oceans and the waters of the earth are God’s.  He made them and their contents.  He carved out the seabeds.  He set the bounds that separate the water from the dry land.  He put the bodies of water on His earth.  We are allowed to bring food to eat from His waters.

“And he made it:”
God is the Creator; He made it; therefore He owns it all.  He is the King by right of His Creatorship.  Though the usurper has laid claim to this earth, it is still under the control of God.  He not only made it, but He graciously sustains it and keeps His creation all running, and provides for His creatures.

“And his hands formed the dry land.”
The land, habitable or otherwise, was made by His doing.  He has given humans a place to live and the means to derive their food from the ground.  We should thank Him daily for His care for us!

“Come ye, then, who dwell on this fair world, and worship him who is conspicuous where’er ye tread!  Count it all as the floor of a temple where the footprints of the present Deity are visible before your eyes if ye do but care to see.” – Spurgeon1

The LORD (Jehovah) is our Maker, (v. 6).  He alone is the sovereign Master of our world.  He is the only God, and the only one worthy of our worship.  Everything was made by His “hand,” the hand of our Creator, (v. 4).  And it is by His hand as our Shepherd, (v. 7), that He leads, guides, and protects us daily.

These verses teach me that My God is My Creator!



1.  C.H. Spurgeon, The Treasury of David, the electronic version in eSword.