"O give thanks unto the God of Heaven: for His mercy endureth forever."
Psalm 136:26
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“O give thanks unto the God of heaven:”
“The God of heaven” is our God. He is not some human-made-idol, but He is the true and living God of the universe. This name, the “God of heaven,” is the name that Jonah used so that the pagan sailors with him could understand who this God is (Jonah 1:9).
The “God of heaven” is the One who is present and the One who is sovereign. He is identified as the LORD [Jehovah], in v. 1. He is God [Elohim], in v. 2. And He the Lord [Adonai], in v. 3. He is our Creator, Sustainer, and Provider. He is the one who is the Protector of Israel. This generous God is the One to whom we owe our allegiance.
“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning,” (James 1:17).
The “God of Heaven” is also called the “King of Heaven,” and the “Lord of Heaven.” Because of everything He does, both in heaven and on earth, the God of heaven deserves our ongoing thanks.
“For his mercy endureth forever.”
He is the great God, and He is merciful. The emphasis in this psalm is on God’s mercy, being mentioned in every verse, “His mercy endureth forever.” The ancient word used here for “mercy” is the word that is speaking of “God’s steadfast love.” He is loving and patient and merciful to His own. His mercy withholds from us what we really do deserve. Every rebellious son of Adam deserves God’s wrath on him in Hell to pay for his sin. But, in mercy, God forgives our sin because of the work of Jesus Christ on the cross. Our standing in Christ is a major reason we owe God our thanks!
Thank you, God of heaven, “for Your mercy endureth forever!”
Be thankful for His mercy!