Salvation for the Family (Part 4 of 4)

Can a family come to Jesus and all be saved at the same time?

February 12, 2021

"And Crispus, the chief ruler of the synagogue, believed on the Lord with all his house; and many of the Corinthians hearing believed, and were baptized."

Acts 18:8

Part 4

Yesterday:  Households are Saved as they Learn of Jesus
Crispus is born again, “With all his house!”
Cornelius and his family came to faith in Jesus Christ!


Today:  New Life in Christ!

The First Ladies “Bible Study Group”

As Paul and Silas traveled, they came to Philippi, a Roman colony in Macedonia.  And on the Sabbath day, they went down to the river to pray and found a group of ladies assembled there.  Paul used the opportunity to preach Christ, and Lydia’s “heart the Lord opened” (Acts 16:14).

Philippi was Lydia’s city.  She was a businesswoman who sold “purple goods.”  She was already a “God-fearer” for she worshipped Him.  And now, her heart opened to the Lord Jesus, she believed.  And we take note that she was not alone in her newfound faith.

“And when she was baptized, and her household…” (Acts 16:15a).

Yes, another family came to Jesus Christ!


The Philippian Jailer and His Family

While in Lydia’s city, Paul and Silas are jailed for the sake of the Gospel.  They have been beaten with “many stripes,” thrown into the “inner prison,” and their feet fastened in stocks.  No doubt, they were exhausted and in pain.  Ignoring that, Paul and Silas used this opportunity for a singspiration and prayer meeting.  Everyone in prison heard their praise to the Lord.  This did not happen every day in a Roman jail!  Sometime around midnight, the Lord sent an earthquake to open the prison doors.  The jailer, thinking the prisoners had escaped, drew his sword to take his own life.  Under Roman law, he was responsible for each one of the prisoners.  Paul quickly spoke up, “Do thyself no harm, for we are all here!” (Acts 16:28).  In fear and amazement, the jailer asked them, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” (Acts 16:30).  Paul answered him with those now famous words, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house” (Acts 16:31).  Terrific words of life!  Imagine, the jailer was ready to end his life just a few moments ago, but shortly, he will receive new life in Christ as he is “born again.”

Paul taught the jailer and his household “the word of the Lord” in the wee hours of the morning.  They each became a “Christ-follower” as they trusted Him.  Their faith was genuine, and they became witnesses for Christ, as Dad-the jailer, “he and all his” were baptized.  That night the jailer and his family became Paul and Silas’ brethren in Jesus Christ.  Once again, we see a family come to Jesus “together, one at a time.”

The first family recorded being saved in the book of Acts is Cornelius, the Roman soldier.  The second is Lydia, the “seller of purple,” and her household.  The Philippian Jailer and his family are next.  And then Crispus, the Jewish leader, and his family are the fourth to trust Christ together.[1]


What happened with Crispus and his family?

God saved that synagogue leader and his household as they believed God’s Word.  It was a notable change as Crispus and those under his roof began to share Jesus Christ with the people of Corinth.  What was the outcome of this?  We do not know it all, but we do know,

“And many of the Corinthians hearing believed.”
“Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God” (Romans 10:17).  The Gospel of Jesus kept being given out in that wicked city, and “many of the Corinthians believed.”  Their belief was genuine.


“And were baptized.”
What we call “water baptism” is a beautiful testimony to God’s grace in saving people.  When a new believer is baptized, he or she illustrates the fact that they are identified with Jesus in His death, burial, and resurrection (Romans 6:3-6).  Now that they have been saved, they are not ashamed to be “Jesus Christ-followers!”  They show everyone that this “outward sign,” their baptism, points to their “inward belief” that Jesus Christ is now their Savior and Master.  He is the King of their life.

We rejoice in the salvation of every believer who comes to Jesus Christ.  And the redemption of an entire family just seems that much more precious as they love and serve their Lord together.  What a marvelous testimony each believing family is to this lost world.

A Christian home is formed by two believers getting married and keeping Jesus Christ at the center of their home.  It can also be created as lost parents are saved, and they begin to make Christ the Head of their home.  Praise the Lord for families who make their homes a lighthouse of God’s grace!


Quote:  “The same Jesus Who turned water into wine can transform your home, your life, your family, and your future.  He is still in the miracle-working business, and His business is the business of transformation”[2] (Adrian Rogers).




[1] These families in Acts who were saved together are not the only families in the New Testament that are “Christian Homes.”  Let me challenge you to find other believing families in these pages.  To my thinking, there are at least half a dozen more families who know and represent Christ.  Happy hunting!
[2] Roger’s quote Downloaded: Tuesday, February 9, 2021.  From: