Our God is Great!

You can see God's truth and faithfulness in His Word and Works.

July 2, 2022

"For the word of the LORD is right, and all His works are done in truth."

Psalm 33:4

The theme of Psalm 33 is the “Greatness of God.” [1]  Let me encourage you to take a few moments to read it now.  Here’s an overview of this psalm.

The writer calls for God’s people to praise the LORD (vs. 1-3).
God’s character communicates His greatness (vv. 4-5).
God is the excellent Creator!  (vv.  6-7).
Everyone needs to fear their great Creator (vv. 8-9).
God is great among the nations of the earth (vv. 10-12).
God is sovereign over the individuals on His earth (vv. 13-15).
The most extraordinary men are weak before God (vv. 16-17).
God cares for each human being (vv. 18-19).
Because God is great, we can wait on Him and place our hope in Him (vv. 20-22).

Today let’s consider verse four and take note of God’s character.  Think about this: “God can do anything He wants, but we ought to expect Him to do what He says He will do!” [2] (Goode).


“For the word of the LORD is right.”
God has never been wrong.  Never has been and never will be.  Whatever God says is so!  You can count on it.  He always tells us the truth.  And He can never be “untrue.”

“His word is … upright in intention, and, without becoming in any way whatever untrue to itself, straightway fulfilling itself” [3] (KDC).

“The command; the law; the promise of God.  Whatever he “says” is right or is true.  It is worthy of universal belief; and should, therefore, be a reason for praise.  The fact that God says a thing is the highest proof that it is true” [4] (Barnes).

“God said it; that settles it!”  This is true whether we believe it or not.  My belief in what God says or does is not what makes it true.  It is true because God said it or did it.


“And all his works are done in truth.”
The ancient Hebrew word “truth” here means “firmness, fidelity, steadfastness, steadiness” [5] (BDB).  That is a good description of how God works.  Note that this is true of “all His works.”  He is always faithful and true.  In fact, this is one of Jesus Christ’s names (see Revelation 19:11).

“His every act is an act in … truth, which verifies the truth of His Word and one which accomplishes itself” [6] (KDC).

David used this same word when he wrote –

“Thy faithfulness [“firmness, fidelity, steadfastness, steadiness”] is unto all generations: thou hast established the earth, and it abideth” (Psalm 119:90).

Amen, David said it well.


Quote:  Our great God — “He is the Rock, His work is perfect: for all His ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is He” (Deuteronomy 32:4).




[1] I’m borrowing the verse divisions and ideas for these outline points (my editing) from David Guzik.  EWCEnduring Word Commentary, the electronic version in eSword.
[2] I heard this several times from my friend, Dr. Bill Goode, at Faith Baptist Counseling Ministry, Lafayette, IN.
[3] KDC – Keil & Delitzsch.  Keil & Delitzsch’s Commentary on the Old Testament, the electronic version in eSword.
[4] BNB – Albert Barnes.  Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible, the electronic version in eSword.  The emphasis is mine.
[5] BDB – Brown, Driver, Briggs.  Brown-Driver-Briggs’ Hebrew Definitions, the electronic version in eSword.
[6] KDC, ibid.