Jehovah, Elohim, Adonai

Only God's mercy keeps from us every dreadful thing that we deserve.  Have you thanked Him for it?

November 29, 2018

"O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.  O give thanks unto the God of gods: for his mercy endureth for ever.  O give thanks to the Lord of lords: for his mercy endureth for ever."

Psalm 136:1-3

This psalm (Psalm 136), gives many reasons for God to be praised by men.

In vv. 1-9, God’s greatness is seen in His Creation, the universe.
In vv. 10-26, His greatness is understood in the history of mankind;

a. How He delivered His people, Israel, vv. 10-16.
b. How He destroyed wicked rulers, vv. 17-22.
c. How He cares for all men, vv. 23-26.

Psalm 136 opens with three of God’s names being used to show His loving-kindness (mercy) to man, (vv. 1-3).  We must remember that God is “One God,” and not “many gods” as the pagan’s worship.  Each of God’s names is significant, for each one describes a different attribute of His great being.  Each name helps us to understand who He is and what He is like.

“O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good:”
We are instructed to thank the LORD, Jehovah, for His goodness.  This name Jehovah describes God’s self-existence, and therefore His independence.  He is the One who in himself has no needs for He is changeless.  This One who is need-less is the One who can meet all of our needs, because “He is good.”

“For his mercy endureth for ever.”

“O give thanks unto the God of gods:”
We give thanks to the “God, Elohim, of gods.”  Elohim, the supreme God.  All the gods are nothing, and they are impotent when compared to Elohim.  He is the “strong one.”  He is the “sovereign one.”  He not only cares for you, but He has the ability, the “power” to meet your need.

We need to be giving thanks to Elohim, the majestic One.

“For his mercy endureth for ever.”

“O give thanks to the Lord of lords:”
We need to be thanking the “Lord, Adonai, of lords.”  Adonai is our Lord and Master.  He is our “Master-owner.”  This name emphasizes man’s relationship to the Lord, He is our Master,  Authority, and Provider.

It makes sense that we need to be praising our Master and Provider.

“For his mercy endureth for ever.”

Our God is merciful!  It does not matter which of His names we think of, His merciful-kindness comes through loud and clear.  How has God shown you mercy today?  Give thanks to Him!  Do not cease to praise His name.