“In the Time of Trouble” (Part 2 of 2)

God shelters His child during the storms of life.

May 8, 2020

"For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion: in the secret of His tabernacle shall He hide me; He shall set me up upon a rock."

Psalm 27:5

Part 2

“For in the time of trouble.”
Trouble is inevitable for us who live on God’s green earth.  Just because we are believers and followers of Jesus Christ does not mean we will never have challenges.  We will have problems, but remember, we also have Jesus!

Here are three ways God protects his child.

“He shall hide me in His pavilion.”
There is no better hiding place than where the Lord hides us.

“… ‘he shall hide me in his pavilion:’ he shall give me the best of shelter in the worst of danger”[1] (Spurgeon).

In David’s day, the “Royal Pavilion” was set up in the center of the camp, always visible and ever guarded.  A place of safety.  God’s “Pavilion” is not surrounded by soldiers but by Almighty God himself.  He guarantees the safety of all who are there.

“In the secret of His tabernacle shall He hide me.”
God hides His child under His tent flap.

“No one of old dared to enter the most holy place on pain of death; and if the Lord has hidden his people there, what foe shall venture to molest them?”[2] (Spurgeon).

“He shall set me up upon a rock.”
Throughout history, the “high ground” is the safest vantage point for the soldier to fight.  But there is no vantage point like the rock that God places His child upon!

“How blessed is the standing of the man whom God himself sets on high above his foes, upon an impregnable rock which never can be stormed!  Well, may we desire to dwell with the Lord who so effectually protects his people”[3] (Spurgeon).

Believers, like David, may our one desire be to dwell always with our Lord.


The Hollow of God’s Hand[4]
By Edmund S. Lorenz

1) I am safe, whatever may betide me;
I am safe who ever may deride me;
I am safe, as long as I confide me
In the hollow of God’s hand.

In the blessed hollow of his hand!
In the blessed hollow of his hand!
I am safe while God himself doth hold me
In the blessed hollow of his hand!

2) What tho’ fierce the stormy blasts roar round me;
What tho’ sore life’s trials oft confound me;
I am safe, for naught of ill can harm me
In the hollow of God’s hand. [Refrain]

3) Everlasting arms of love enfold me;
Words of peace the voice divine has told me;
I am safe, while God himself doth hold me
In the hollow of his hand. [Refrain]




[1] C.H. Spurgeon, Treasury of David, the electronic version in eSword.
[2] Spurgeon, ibid.
[3] Ibid.
[4] “The Hollow of His Hand,” Lyrics by Edward S Lorenz (1854-1942).  The tune: “I am safe, whatever may betide me.”  Copyright Status, Public Domain.