God’s Harvest Work

Thank you, Lord, for the gift of Your increase.

December 29, 2019

"So then neither is he that planteth anything, neither he that watereth, but God that giveth the increase."

1 Corinthians 3:7

“So then neither is he that planteth anything,”
Paul, in answering those who are looking to individual preachers as “God’s gift to mankind” (vv. 4-5), and showing that God’s servants are just that, servants, slaves of the Lord.  There is nothing special about one servant over another.  They all do their part in God’s work.  It will do us well to remember this when we are tempted to compare preachers.

“Neither he that watereth;”
A servant may be assigned to till the soil, plant the seed in the ground, or water the plant.  Regardless of his duty, he is still the servant of the Lord.  The servant is not the most essential person in this situation.

“But God that giveth the increase.”
God is the important one in this picture, for He is the one who grants life.  Whether physical life or eternal, spiritual life, it all comes from Him.  He is the one that provides the increase.

“When a farmer plants a seed, and waters it, he really does not make it grow.  The miracle of life does that.  All the farmer can do is provide the right environment for growth, and trust in the miracle of life.  We do the same thing in ministering Jesus to other people” (Guzik).

“God alone should have all the glory, as the seed is his, the ground is his, the laborers are his, and the produce all comes from himself”[1] (Clarke).

We ought to be content with whatever part in God’s harvest field He has for us to do.  Does He have you preparing the soil for the seed?  Be satisfied with that.  Are you the one He has planting the seed in the ground?  Enjoy your work!  Has He given you the task of watering seed that someone else has planted?  Be sure the seed gets every drop of water it needs.  Maybe the Lord is letting you reap the harvest.  Be thankful for all the other servants who have had a part in the labor.

It seems to me that the Lord has us doing all of the above at one time or another.  Be grateful for the other servants, and especially for God’s work in giving life to the seed.  It’s His harvest that’s important.


Dear Lord, thank you for using me in your harvest economy.  You are the One that makes the seed grow, you give the increase!




[1] Adam Clarke, Adam Clarke’s Commentary on the Bible, the electronic version in eSword.