"For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come."
1 Timothy 4:8
“For bodily exercise, profiteth little.”
Paul admitted that bodily exercise does a little good. The text here can be seen in two ways. First, exercise does a little good for the body. Second, exercise does good for a short time. Both of these make sense in the context. We know that physical activity is good for the body and keeps all the parts working well. And we know that exercise must be maintained for it to continue to help the body. In any case, we know that physical activity is only good during this life. Going to the gym every day does nothing for the next life. In ancient times the ascetics, fasted, worked out, were hard on their bodies, thinking that it would train their inner man. Their dedication was admirable, but they started with the wrong premise. To them, a man was a body that had a soul. To the Bible believer, we realize that man is a living soul who happens to have a body.
“Spiritual development and physical development share some similarities. With each, growth only comes with exertion and proper feeding” [1] (Guzik).
“But godliness is profitable unto all things.”
Physical exercise can help the body, but godliness will benefit every part of our lives. In the Greek text, this word “godliness” means “reverence, respect…piety towards God, godliness”[2] (Thayer). Our English word godliness has an interesting origin.
“The word godliness comes from the old English word Godlikeness; it means to have the character and attitude of God. This was a worthy goal, much more worthy that the potential attainments of physical exercise” [3] (Guzik).
“Having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.”
Godliness helps me in this life, it makes living here on earth much better. Although godliness will not add money to a bank account, or popularity, or men’s praise, it will drastically improve the quality of this life and happiness over a life of sin.
And it will help me in the next life. In fact, without godliness, a man or woman is not prepared for Heaven. And without this vital relationship with the Father through his Son Jesus, one will not make it to heaven in the next life.
Believers, in our efforts to keep fit physically, let’s not forget to stay fit spiritually. Let’s put in the time and effort to build our souls.
[1] Guzik, David. David Guzik’s Enduring Word Commentary, the electronic version in eSword.
[2] J.H. Thayer, Thayer’s Greek Definitions, the electronic version in eSword.
[3] Guzik, David, ibid.