"Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding."
Proverbs 23:23
In today’s lost world, preparing for “whatever may come” is on everybody’s mind. Anywhere you go, people are talking about investing. You can’t do much online surfing without bumping into pop-up ads for investing in this or that, all with the claims that their particular investments are bulletproof against the future. Sure, believers, unlike the world, we are good stewards of the Lord’s belongings He has loaned us. We want to invest well His goods, for His glory, so that we may take care of our families and give to others in need.
If I may, let me remind you of an investment opportunity that is millennia old. And it is undoubtedly “bulletproof” against whatever comes against it. It has been advertised in the Bible ever since God put His Words down on paper. Interestingly, this investment has more value than the precious metals that people clamored for these days. What is it? It is found in our text –
“Truth, wisdom, learning, and understanding are worth paying money for. They are worth far too much to ever sell” [1] (Proverbs 23:23, HSB).
“Buy the truth, and sell it not.”
The first thought is “truth” costs something. For believers to believe, embrace, and practice the truth will cost them. It may cost you a worldly lifestyle, relationships, or even the loss of a lucrative job. But those who live out the validity of the scriptures will find it costly.
“Purchase it upon any terms, spare no pains nor cost to get it” [2] (Poole – EWC).
“Buying the truth suggests spending whatever energy or financial resources are necessary to acquire truth, along with wisdom, discipline…, and understanding….[3] (BKC).
“Spare no cost for the truth’s sake, neither depart from it for any gain” [4] (Geneva).
“Sell it not!”
Truth, no matter the price to gain it, is never worth the cost of giving it up!
“…sell it not – Procure it at any cost: part with it on no consideration” [5] (CB).
“When once acquired, let no consideration deprive thee of it. Cleave to and guard it, even at the risk of thy life” [6] (Clarke).
“‘Sell it not,’ — let no material good or advantage, no ease, slothfulness, or worldly success, tempt you to cast it away, for its ‘fruit is better than gold,’ and its ‘revenue than choice silver.’ We shall make a bad bargain if we sell it for anything beneath the stars; for ‘wisdom is better than rubies,’ and he has been cheated in the transaction who has given up ‘the truth’ and got instead ‘the whole world’” [7] (MacLaren).
“Also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.”
The “truth,” “wisdom,” “instruction,” and “understanding” are all valuable “commodities” for God’s child to have plenty of.
“Proverbs often uses these terms to mean the same thing. Truth, instruction, and understanding in this context are all ways of describing wisdom” [8] (EWC).
When we speak of the truth, we must remember the words of Jesus.
“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6).
Jesus is the very epitome of the truth. To know Him is to see the truth. He is the living Word – the truth. And we have the written Word to read in our hands – the truth! What a beautiful thought, having the Word of God, we have all we need for it is the truth! Never sell it out! Never follow the crowd that hates Jesus and the truth!
“Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil; neither shalt thou speak in a cause to decline after many to wrest judgment” (Exodus 23:2).
Think about these words –
“If I gained the world but lost the Savior,
Were my life worth living for a day?
Could my yearning heart find rest and comfort
In the things that soon must pass away?
If I gained the world but lost the Savior,
Would my gain be worth the lifelong strife?
Are all earthly pleasures worth comparing
For a moment with a Christ-filled life?” [9]
Quote: “Buy the truth; that is, be willing at all risks to hold to the truth. Buy it as the martyrs did when they gave their bodies to be burned for it. Buy it as many have done when they have gone to prison for it” [10] (Spurgeon – EWC).
[1] HSB is the Harvest Study Bible from Harvest Ministries in Guam.
[2] Poole’s quote is from EWC – David Guzik. Enduring Word Commentary, the electronic version in eSword.
[3] BKC, Sid S. Buzzell, “Proverbs,” in The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures, ed. J. F. Walvoord and R. B. Zuck, vol. 1 (Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1985), 957.
[4] GB, Geneva Bible: Notes, vol. 1 (Geneva: Rovland Hall, 1560), 274. The editing from Old English is mine.
[5] CB, Cambridge Bible, the electronic Bible notes in eSword.
[6] ACC, Adam Clarke. Adam Clarke’s Commentary on the Bible, the electronic version in eSword.
[7] EHS, Alexander MacLaren. Expositions of Holy Scriptures, the electronic version in eSword.
[8] EWC, ibid.
[9] This is the first stanza of “If I Gain the World but Lost the Savior.” Lyrics by Anna Olander (1861-1939). Hymn tune: ÖLANDER, Swedish. Copyright status: Public Domain.
[10] Spurgeon’s quote is from EWC, ibid.