An Attitude Adjustment

"Prayer changes things!"  It begins by changing my attitude about my problems.

June 23, 2018

"Is any among you afflicted? let him pray.  Is any merry? let him sing psalms."

James 5:13

“Is any among you afflicted?”  What a question.  Of course someone close to us is in a time of testing, and it could be that you are too.  Someone has said that “you are either coming out of a time of testing, you are presently in a time of testing, or you are getting ready to go into a testing period.”  Testing, temptation, and trials are a normal part of the Christian’s life.  The question is, “What do I do when I’m afflicted with one of these?”  James gives us the answer!

“Let him pray.”  What?  That’s it?  No retaliation?  No giving a piece of my mind?!  NO!  For many reasons the child of God cannot afford to act that way.  (Read what Paul said about responding correctly to mistreatment in Romans 12:14-21.)  As believers our option is to pray, but not just any prayer will do.  James tells us some important thoughts for prayer that works.

1. We must pray in faith (James 5:15).

The object of our prayer is the Lord.  We pray to Him believing and He will answer (Matthew 21:22).

2. We must pray with effective fervency (James 5:16).

The original word for “fervent” in this verse means, “Has much force.”  So the prayer that works with God, “has much force.”  God answers this kind of prayer.  How can our prayers be like that?  James says it this way, be a “righteous man.”  Be right with God when you pray, He will listen to you.


“Is any merry, let him sing songs.”  When God answers our prayer how can we not be merry, or cheerful, or not be “joyous in mind?”  The result of this joy is singing praises to our good God!

These two ideas are in the present tense so they are ongoing in our lives.  We maintain a merry heart, and we keep on singing praises to God.

It seems impossible to have a joyous mind set when going through trials.  But think about Paul and Silas in the Philippian jail, after being arrested and beaten.  They were in pain, but they were singing praises none the less.

During trials our part is to pray, to maintain a joyful mindset, and to praise our God.  Then we will see opportunities to be a witness, because our world doesn’t understand how we can suffer in peace.



1.  Robinson, A.T., Robertson’s Word Pictures in the New Testament, electronic version in eSword.