Whose Side are You On?

The question isn't "is God on my side?" but, "am I on God's side?"

July 21, 2018

"What shall we then say to these things?  If God be for us, who can be against us?"

Romans 8:31

What significant and vital words the Apostle Paul shares with believers in Romans 8!  Some have said that if the book of Romans was a ring, then chapter eight must be the diamond setting.  Verse 31 is one of the reasons for that statement.

“What shall we then say to these things?”
The “these things” in general include each chapter from the beginning of the book.  In particular, “these things” refer to the profound words in this chapter.

The believer is no longer condemned, (v. 1-2).
The believer has the Holy Spirit, (vv. 9-11; vv. 16-17; vv. 26-27).
The believer is adopted, (v. 15).
The believer is saved by the gracious purpose of God, (vv. 28-30).

“What shall we then say to these things?”  Words fail us here, but at least let’s say, “Amen! And all glory to God!”

“If God be for us,”
What a statement!  It seems in this day and age that everyone thinks “God is on my side!”  Logically, God can’t be on everyone’s team.  Before the Apostle Paul met Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus, he was nothing more than a murderer, a religious terrorist if you will, bringing havoc and mayhem to the Church.  Saul certainly believed his work was done in the name of God.  Surely, he thought, “God is on my side,” (Acts 26:14-15).

Today terrorists run the globe rampantly murdering innocent people with seemingly no fear of apprehension.  And how many times have we heard them in video clips call out to their god, thinking they are serving God, but like Saul, they are not.

If” is an important word in this phrase, “if God be for us…” In the Greek text this means, “if God be for us,” and we assume for the sake of argument it is true, but in reality, it may not be so.  We must ask ourselves, “how can I know if God is for me?”  As we read the first two and a half chapters of Romans we might conclude that God is not for us, nor for anyone else for that matter!  What terrible words from the Holy God regarding man and his sin.  But then toward the end of chapter three, all the bad news begins to change as we see there is the possibility of justification only by faith!  In chapters four and five this theme of justification by faith (salvation) continues, and we see that God is most definitely for us, because of Jesus Christ’s work.  And in chapters six through eight we see how believing sinners can grow and change, as God sanctifies us!  Yes, believer, you are on God’s side, you only need to read the book of Romans to see what He has done for you!

“Who can be against us?”
What are the possibilities? Who can destroy us? God?  No, He will not be against us, we are no longer condemned, and we are on His side now.  Sinners?  No, sinful people cannot destroy us.  The worst they can do is kill us, then it’s on to Glory with our Lord!  Satan?  No, the “great destroyer” cannot harm us because he hasn’t the permission from our Father, nor the power to stand against our Lord!

The LORD is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me?” (Psalm 118:6).

“Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world,” (1 John 4:4).

The simple answer to Paul’s question, “who can be against us?” is no one! Praise the Lord!

Whose side are you on?  God’s, or Satan’s?  It cannot be both; it’s one or the other.  If you are not on God’s side, why not turn to Him in simple faith, believing that He loves you (John 3:16), and He alone can save your soul (Romans 10:13).  If you need more information about salvation, being on His side, please contact us.

This verse teaches me that My God Is For Me!



Have a great Liberation Day Guam!