Peace is Available (Part 1)

In Jesus Christ, there is peace.  In the world, there is tribulation.  Where do you stand?

August 17, 2021

"These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace.  In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."

John 16:33

Part 1

Today:  Jesus’ Last Meeting with His Disciples, before His Cross

“These things I have spoken unto you.”
How blessed were Jesus’ 12 disciples!  They were each handpicked by Him to be His disciple, a follower, and a learner.  For three and a half years, they were with Him nearly 24/7.  They prayed when He prayed, ate when and what He ate, lived with Him, watched Him, and daily sat at His feet, learning from Him.  What an incredible privilege.

Believers, in one sense, are no different than His 12 disciples.  When He saved us by His grace, He chose us not only to become a child of God but also to be His “follower” and “a learner.”  How blessed we are to have the privilege of sitting at his feet every day in His Word, learning from Him!  Our attitude about learning from Jesus needs to be,

Dear Lord, “Open thou mine eyes, That I may behold wondrous things out of thy law” (Psalm 119:18).

Jesus knew His men were getting ready to face their greatest challenge as His disciples.  Tomorrow morning, He is going to the cross to be crucified, and there pay for humankind’s sin.  Jesus has told them this truth several times, but the reality had not sunk in yet.  He doesn’t pull any punches, but He does reveal to them shocking truth about themselves.  To the disciples, what Jesus has just said made things much more troubling, for Jesus told them that they will all be scattered “every man to his own, and shall leave me alone” (John 16:32b).  How could they ever desert Jesus?  He is their Master whom they love and serve.  None of them thought that this is possible.  They each must have thought, “Surely, I will stand faithfully with Him!”  Jesus is gently challenging their personal beliefs about Him.  These next hours will be the most challenging, gut-wrenching times of their lives.

“Yet he looked beyond their desertion to their restoration, to a time when they would gain peace in a hostile world through Christ’s victory over it.”[1]

As Jesus finished His last discipleship time with His men, He said, “These things[2] have I spoken unto you.”  Though it seems impossible now, His words will bring them comfort in the coming days.  Everything He has said this evening was to open their understanding and give them peace in Him.  The disciples will be sorely tested during these forthcoming events, but Jesus wants them to know that victory is coming!

“His friends will mourn his death but then rejoice forever at his risen life.”[3]

Jesus is exceptional in His ability to comfort His men while His own soul is roiling in turmoil as He contemplates giving His life to save sinners.  “Oh, what a Savior!”

Come back tomorrow as we talk of Jesus’ offer of peace to His men.


Quote:  “The Lord gets His best soldiers out of the highlands of affliction”[4] (Spurgeon).




[1] Guthrie, D. (1994).  John.  In D. A. Carson, R. T. France, J. A. Motyer, & G. J. Wenham (Eds.), New Bible commentary: 21st-century edition (4th ed., pp. 1058–1059).  Leicester, England; Downers Grove, IL: Inter-Varsity Press.
[2] Especially the things He said that night, John chapters 14-16.
[3] Knowles, A. (2001).  The Bible guide (1st Augsburg books ed., p. 523).  Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg.
[4] Spurgeon’s quote Downloaded: Wednesday, August 4, 2021.  From: