"But in all things approving ourselves as the ministers of God, in much patience, in afflictions, in necessities, in distresses. . ."
2 Corinthians 6:4
Isn’t this truth amazing, that the God of the universe, our Creator and Sustainer, wants to partner with us, His creatures, in our service for Him? God calls us to serve Him, and then He wants to labor in service with us. We partner with Him in our sharing the Gospel, “We are laborers together with God,” (1 Corinthians 3:9). As we minister to others, we know that He is with us in our service, “We then, as workers together with him…” (2 Corinthians 6:1). What a privilege, and what a responsibility!
In our verse for today Paul says “in all things approving ourselves as the minsters of God.” Albert Barnes mentions the marginal note in the Authorized Version, that the idea of “approving” here is “commending” ourselves. We serve in such a way that our service “approves” or “endorses” us to ministry. Paul is talking about us living an appropriate lifestyle as servants of God. Our lives need to honor the Lord and His work. It’s not about me, it’s all about Him!
You know, serving God isn’t too hard until people come and the problems start… You’ve heard, “I would be a great pastor if it weren’t for these people that come to my church!” Unfortunately many believers would serve God if they could choose the “what, where, why, when, and how!” The idea of service is fine, it’s just the people God wants us to serve, or the hours, or the where, or the how! Notice in today’s verse how our service is “approved.” It is through patience, afflictions, necessities, and distresses. These “afflictions” can be a succession of persecutions and problems in general. The “necessities” are plenty of hard times and complications in our work. “Difficulties” are the unavoidable problems that are of such a nature that they are impossible! The Greek word for “difficulties” means you have been driven into a corner and there is no way out, like Israel with her back to the Red Sea and Pharaoh’s army getting closer and closer…it’s an impossibility and you cannot escape it! We are good servants if we handle all of these things with “patience.” In the worst conditions we must bear up steadily and do God’s work. You may be thinking, “That’s impossible!” And yes, I agree if you are working by yourself. But, Who is your Partner in service? Jesus! We serve by His command, His strength, His direction and guidance. Now doesn’t that relieve the pressure in our hearts and give us hope?
Believer, keep serving, don’t give up, you are serving the Lord and He never forgets your service for Him. He will give you help, if you ask Him.