"Then Simon Peter answered Him, Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life."
John 6:68
Part 2
Jesus provided a meal for thousands from just a small boy’s basket lunch! They wanted to make Jesus their king!
The disciples learned that Jesus was their Provider, in that He had broken five small loaves and two fish to feed a crowd much more massive than 5,000 men, and also the women and children. That night His men will learn that He is also their Protector. Jesus has already gone up into the mountain alone after the crowd wanted to forcefully make Him their king.
As evening came, the disciples got into a boat and headed toward Capernaum. As they had rowed three or four miles out into the Sea of Galilee, a strong wind started blowing, making the sea rough (John 6:16-21). This made the men row harder, and no doubt worried them. Their progress was slow, and they were already tired from their day’s ministry with Jesus to the multitudes. They now struggled with the oars, as they dug them deep into the water. They toiled at it so relentlessly, yet with little progress to show for their efforts. How could Jesus let His men fight the wind like this? When the disciples got into that boat, they didn’t know what was in store for them, but Jesus did. He let them go into danger; there was a lesson to learn there in that threat.
That, “…night would be full of storm, but He did not hesitate to expose them to its peril; He was conscious of His ability to turn that storm to the highest use by coming to their help. His advent is often delayed, but He always comes. Delays are not denials. He is as near in the storm as though already in the boat”[1] (Meyer).
“All the time the disciples struggled, Jesus watched over them. He watches over us at all times, and prays for us even when He seems distant. Jesus knew exactly what was going on, and He was monitoring their progress across the lake. He saw them straining at rowing, yet let them work at it for a good long time.”[2]
As they pulled hard against the wind. They were exhausted. Finally, the men saw Jesus walking to them on the water. With the wind and the waves threatening, they did not recognize Him at first, as He came toward their boat. This scared them, until He said, “It is I; do not be afraid.” They “willingly received”[3] Him into the boat with them. His presence is always a comfort to His child. When we find ourselves in dangerous circumstances, we need to remember that “He never leaves us or forsakes us,” He is there with us always.
And then Jesus “immediately” brought their boat to the shore where they were headed. He wasted no time in getting them back to dry land.
Perhaps this quick arrival at the land was only a small miracle. What Jesus did for them that night was teach them a precious object lesson for their lives and ministries. He not only provided for their needs in the ministry, but He protected them also. This lesson is designed to show them that they can trust Him even when they cannot see Him. His physical presence with them was not as significant as their understanding that He always knows what His child is facing. He or she is never alone, or out from under His watchful eye!
These two miracles, “feeding the 5,000” and “walking on the water,” were just the prelude for what Jesus was intending to teach the crowd and His men. Come back tomorrow as we consider His “Bread of Life” sermon.
Quote: “Never live on your memories of past experiences, but let the Word of God always be living and active in you”[4] (Oswald Chambers).
[1] F.B. Meyer, Through the Bible Day by Day, the electronic version in eSword.
[2] Enduring Word Commentary, the electronic version in eSword.
[3] In Greek, the tense shows us that their “willing reception” of Him was a “continuous state of feeling, not a mere impulsive and temporary wish” (Vincent). M.R. Vincent, Word Studies in the New Testament, the electronic version in eSword.
[4] Chambers’ quote is from his book, My Utmost for His Highest. Downloaded: Monday, August 17, 2020. From: https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/word.