When to Say “No” (Part 1 of 5)

We do obey men--if in doing so we may still obey God.  We always obey our highest authority!

August 13, 2020

"Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, 'We ought to obey God rather than men.'"

Acts 5:29

Part 1

In our verse for today, Peter and John are standing before the Sanhedrin to answer charges brought against them.  Peter begins to speak,

“Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said…”
Wait a minute!  If we jump into the story here in chapter 5, with Peter’s answer to the Council, it would be a mistake.  To do so will most likely make Peter, the disciples, and the early church look like they are nothing more than a band of troublemakers and rebels.  They would appear to have no respect for authority, or for the Law of the land.  This is not true!  But how did things deteriorate to the point that Peter and John are standing up before the officials?  And why are they drawing a clear line in the sand?  They are saying “no” to men, and “yes” to God.

It all began back in chapter 3.  On that day, during the hour of prayer, Peter and John went up to the Temple.  As they were about to enter through the “Beautiful Gate,” a poor lame man was begging there, and he called out to them.  The man was asking for charity, just some small donation that would help him live in his crippled condition through that day.  Peter and John were not interested in helping him to keep on living in his misery.  They desired to see him transformed by the power of God.  Then Peter spoke those words which were so lifechanging to that lame man’s ears!

“…Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk” (Acts 3:6).

This man obeyed Peter’s words, and with his help, he jumped up and stood on his feet.  His malformed bones had been transformed, and his ankles were strengthened.  For the first time in his life, he went into the Temple grounds on his own feet!  We don’t know how much Bible knowledge that man had when he was healed, but he did at least three things right that day.

He stuck with Peter and John, the Gospel preachers who helped him.  They went into the Temple together.

He was using what abilities God had given him, he was walking and leaping!

He was praising God and worshipping Him.

Everyone in the Temple came together around them.  What a sight, this man who was known by everyone.  He was over forty years old and was brought to the Temple to beg every day.  They all had seen him asking for alms.  But, they had never seen him walk!  This commotion brought the people in the Temple together on Solomon’s Porch.  They came to see what all the excitement was about.  Soon, there was a large crowd gathered.

Jesus Christ had returned to heaven, and God was using His disciples as never before.  How do Peter and John use this opportunity to minister to others?

How might God use us if we are looking for the opportunities He presents to us?

Come back tomorrow, and we will see how the Lord uses these men next.


Quote:  “Obedience is the only path that leads to the glory of God – not obedience instead of faith, nor obedience to supply the shortcomings of faith.  No, faith’s obedience gives access to all the blessings our God has for us”[1] (Andrew Murray).




[1] Andrew Murray’s quote is from his book, With Christ in the School of Prayer.  Downloaded: Monday, July 20, 2020.  From: https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/obedience?page=3.